Where Science and Cow Sense Meet

Call or email us for a free herd evaluation and cost analysis.

We measure success one cow at a time.

Over 100,000 cows have been evaluated in the past year, the results speak for themselves.


Herds not using Vantage Products
Herds using Vantage Products for at least 1yr
We measure success one cow at a time.

We measure success one cow at a time.

Over 100,000 cows have been evaluated in the past year, the results speak for themselves.



Herds not using Vantage Products
Herds using Vantage Products for at least 1yr
We measure success one cow at a time

Where Science and Cow Sense Meet

Call or email us for a free herd evaluation and cost analysis.


We can automate your footbath system:


  • AdVANTAGE can cut your CONCENTRATE current foot bath costs by as much as 75% or MORE.
  • AdVANTAGE with COPPER PLUS can reduce the copper build-up on your farm ground by over 90%.
  • AdVANTAGE CONCENTRATE is both safe and environmentally friendly which eliminates your liability from using Formaldehyde.
  • AdVANTAGE™ enhances smaller levels of Copper Sulfate to provide excellent results while saving the Dairymen money and Copper residue in their soils.


COPPER PLUS used with AdVANTAGE™ is a cost effective method to maximize your dollar without compromising superior results while reducing the copper residue in your soil.


Advantage Complete is a liquid pre-mix blend of Advantage Concentrate and Copper Plus. You just add water and Advantage Complete at recommended rates to your footbath.


AdVANTAGE SPRAY is a premixed solution available for direct contact to the animal. No mixing is required. Simply apply AdVANTAGE SPRAY twice daily directly to the hairy wart.

Measured success with hundreds of thousands of cows in over 15 states and provinces

A study performed by

Washington State University Logo


Vantage products have proven results.
Hoof evaluations are proven and consistent.
Activity monitoring chips shows cows with foot lesions of any size spent 72 minutes less per day at the feed bunk.
Ear temperature dropped 5 degrees on any cow with a lesion or swollen foot.

We work with University and Chemists.
Our people understand dairy cows.

We ask the question: are you really making progress with your foot problems? We will come to your farm and give a free foot evaluation and a free cost analysis, anywhere we have dealers. We will return after you have started our program and measure our results. Then you can judge the results. All you need to do is contact myself or one of our dealers. We have the best trained, best sales staff, in America.


Our products are designed to improve your dairy herd health.


Highest quality products for a quality herd.


Engineered to keep cows healthy and happy.


Our products will improve your milk quality.


We know the dairy industry, and are dedicated to helping your dairy succeed.


Our products are proudly tested on animals.

Vantage Dairy Supplies Inc.

“Vantage has been producing quality products for the Dairyman since the 1990”

Over 40 years ago, my father taught me that quality was something that should never be taken lightly or for granted. When it came to the products used in the dairy industry, quality always took precedence over price. The question was never, how much will it cost, but what will it do to improve the current situation. That standard has never changed. I refuse to sell or endorse any product that does not meet our high standard of quality.
If we can’t make you money, we don’t belong in your barn.
Marty Van Tassell

Vantage has been producing quality products for the Dairyman since the 1990’s. We have since expanded into a full line supply company. We now carry excellent quality Foot Care products, paper towels, fly bait, and IPS Sires, who provides us with the best sires in the World.

The Dairymen that have been using our products know Vantage leads the industry with excellent results. Our customers include dairymen and veterinarians that have tested our products in some of the worst environmental conditions found. Vantage products did not only meet their expectations, but exceeded in most every scenario possible.


Matt Fendry

Matt Fendry

After using Advantage footbath for over a year we reduced our warts and other foot issues from over40% to less than 1%. We have eliminated culling due lameness lowered our cost of foot trimming and lost milk production.

Our dairy has traditionally used copper sulfate in its footbaths, so we are intrigued with the results we are noticing since we switched to your footbath product, Advantage™. Although our study is on-going, we would like to share some of our preliminary results with you:
During hoof evaluations on our dairy, the percent of agreement amongst Vantage Dairy Supplies employees was 90% or higher. At this level of agreement, we feel confident that your employees are recording hoof evaluations with much precision.
Within seven months of using Advantage™ in our footbaths, we detected a 20% decrease in the number of active, growing hairy hoof warts present in our herd.
Dr. Amber Adams-Progar

Assistant Professor - Dairy Management Specialist, Washington State University Knott Dairy Center

Our company used formaldehyde for our footbath for over 5 years. We discontinued when it was disapproved for use by OSHA. We have tried other companies and methods of footbath which included an organic regimen and we have also tried straight copper in our baths. We have found that Vantage provided quality footbath, excellent customer service, and very prompt troubleshooting and equipment checks if there should be a problem with any of the product. We use this product in all of our cows and heifers at all of our facilities and have had improved hoof health along with safer chemicals to use by our employees.

6832 County Road X Cleveland WI 53015

Kristin Leitritz

Supervisor, Maple Leaf Dairy

My name is Fredy Olmos, I have been working for Boer Dairy for the last 12 years. For the last 4 years approximately we have been on the Vantage footbath system which I switched from formaldehyde after it burned about 75% of the Herds feet and dropped our production.
After we got on vantage we increased our production and cured the burned feet of all the cows. Vantage has worked for us really good and the Vantage guys keep a really good eye on everything and I don’t have to worry too much about it.

I totally recommend it to anybody!!

Fredy Olmos

Boer Dairy

We visited 49,718 cows

We visited 49,718 cows

every month for 4 months,

in Wisconsin, Idaho, California and New Mexico

These results for as little as $.80/month per cow!


Reduce liability from toxic chemicals!


Improved soil and water quality!


We belong in your barn.

International Protein Sires
Quality Udders Make Quality Milk
Fostering Advancements In Hoof Health

Make an appointment for a free evaluation and analysis today!

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Vantage Dairy Supply
We measure success one cow at a time.
We measure success one cow at a time
Washington State University Logo
Matt Fendry
We visited 49,718 cows
International Protein Sires
Quality Udders Make Quality Milk
Fostering Advancements In Hoof Health